Evacuation planning: The most important things in a nutshell

  • Evacuation planning deals with extensive preparation for emergencies and crises.
  • The goal is to survive them as unscathed as possible.

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Why is evacuation planning needed?

Whoever creates an evacuation concept must also train and practice it regularly. All managers and employees should know what to do in an emergency and how to behave in the specific situation.

In addition, the existing concepts must be checked for their practical suitability (e.g., with an applied exercise in the company).

What does evacuation planning consist of?

  • Preparation
  • Training of employees
  • Execution of the evacuation exercise
  • Evaluation of the results in a report

Who needs to deal with it?

In addition to those responsible for fire protection, the entire management level is required to deal with this issue. Everyone should know how to behave in an emergency.

How does SBIS support?


Data evaluation

Training of evacuation organization, cadre, employees

Implementation of the evacuation exercise

Evaluation of the evacuation exercise

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