Evacuation concept: the essentials in brief

  • An evacuation may be necessary to ensure the safety of people. For example, when an emergency such as a fire, explosion or other event occurs that requires the relocation of people from a building or premises.
  • An evacuation concept is an important part of safety management, especially for companies or organization with a large number of employees, customers, patients or visitors.
  • The evacuation concept comprehensively describes how to proceed in the evacuation of a community, building, area or region.

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Why is an evacuation concept needed?

There are several reasons why Swiss companies and organizations need an evacuation concept:

  1. Legal requirements: In Switzerland, there are legal requirements for the safety management of companies that include evacuation. These requirements are set out in the fire protection guideline BSR 12-15 and serve to ensure the safety of employees and clientele.
  2. Protection of employees, customers, visitors, patients:An evacuation concept helps to safely evacuate and protect people in the event of an emergency. This can help to ensure that no injuries or damage occur in the event of an emergency.

Legal basis evacuation concept

The legal basis for the evacuation concept in Switzerland can be found in the Labor Act (ArG) and the Fire Protection Act (BGSchG). The ArG obliges companies to create and implement an evacuation concept. The BGSchG stipulates that the evacuation concept must meet fire safety requirements.

What is an evacuation concept?

An evacuation concept usually includes a detailed plan describing how to proceed in the event of an evacuation from a building, facility or area. 

There is no standard formula for evacuation concepts. They must be adapted to the defined object in each case so that all details can be taken into account. However, there are components that must be present in any evacuation concept. These include: 

  • Object coordinates and details
  • Responsibilities/organizational charts
  • Fire department response plans
  • Evacuation route plans with assembly point
  • EVAK flow chart This list is, depending on the object
  • Provisions for dealing with the public and the media

Larger institutions, respectively those with high occupancy or special hazards, have an evacuation organization whose specifications are part of the concept. Training documents and evidence for the evacuation organization are also part of this.

In addition, it is very important to critically review the concept regularly during evacuation exercises.

Who needs an evacuation concept?

In Switzerland, all organizations and companies that are open to the public and where people are present need an evacuation concept. 

These can be:

  • Schools and educational institutions
  • Public facilities such as museums, theaters, cinemas
  • Hotel and catering establishments
  • Businesses and shopping centers
  • Office buildings and administrative facilities
  • Industrial establishments
  • Shopping centers and markets
  • Event venues and sports arenas
  • Public transportation such as airports, Railroad stations and bus stations
  • Hospitals and medical facilities
  • Power plants
  • Chemical companies

Who in the company or organization needs to deal with this?


Employers and safety officers are responsible for ensuring that an evacuation plan is in place and must ensure that it can be implemented when needed.

Management and executives

Management and other executives should also address and support the evacuation concept.

Safety Officer

The evacuation concept is usually prepared by persons responsible for fire protection. 


All employees should be aware of the concept and trained on it so that they can respond appropriately in an emergency.

Who prepares the evacuation concept?

Normally, organizations have a safety officer who is responsible for creating, implementing and maintaining the evacuation organization. Depending on the requirements, he or she is supported by external companies with extended qualifications and suitable know-how. Often, fire protection authorities can also help out with advice and assistance.

How does SBIS support?

SBIS creates security and evacuation concepts for all types of institutions. 

  • Basic development
  • Concept creation
  • Introduction and training
  • Exercises
  • Reports

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