External Representatives
External representatives in security topics are subject matter experts hired by companies or entities to monitor and improve compliance with security requirements.
External representatives: The most important in brief
- To external representatives include, among others, external safety officers, external fire safety officers, external hazardous materials officers, external laser safety officers and external radiation safety officers.
- Overall, external officers help ensure that companies or facilities act safely and responsibly in their activities, thus avoiding accidents and damage.
- Compliance with the law must be maintained or granted, so the officers are mandatory.
- Companies can outsource legally required officers to external organizations.
Why is there a need for external representatives?
Companies decide for themselves whether to comply with the legal requirements on their own or to enlist the help of external agents.
More smaller companies with a national focus often enlist the services of external agents.
Larger companies with an international focus usually have this resource within the company itself, as it is one of their main tasks. The goal of external representatives is to comply with laws and regulations, as well as to protect employees and customers.
Who in the company is responsible for this?
The employer is responsible for this. The main responsibility remains with the management. This has the duty to hire an external organization that is qualified to do so by its specific know-how. However, the duty of control remains with the management.
How does SBIS support?
In partial protection and implementation concepts, the identified measures are deepened and specified in fields of action. Subsequently, SBIS plans the measures and implements them.
SBIS thus provides specific know-how. We also offer consultations so that you can determine in which areas there is still a need for action. Depending on the area, we also offer training.