Risk analyses: The most important in brief

  • According to the Accident Insurance Act (UVG) and the Labor Act (ArG), the employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in the company. 
  • These legal foundations oblige to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases and to protect the health of employees. 
  • Companies with special hazards according to ASA-Beizugsrichtlinie EKAS 6508 must carry out a risk assessment. 
  • This must be prepared by a specialist in occupational safety and carried out according to a recognized method. 

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How are risk analyses carried out?

The cause-related assessment of hazards can be carried out in different degrees of granularity on several levels. The decisive factors are the level and task of the recipient in the organization.

If there is a need for a strategic, tactical or operational risk analysis, the form always depends on the protection goals to be achieved - starting with strategic planning and ending with the operational partial protection concept.

How does SBIS support?

At an on-site visit, SBIS inspects the area (workplace, process, machine, etc.) for which the risk assessment is to be prepared. The exchange of information with the employees also plays an important role. 

The probability and extent of damage are estimated and a detailed risk assessment is then prepared in accordance with recognized Suva methodology. The written report shows you the hazards and specifies protective measures to be taken.

How do you profit?

A risk assessment answers questions about accident causes (technology, organization, behavior, substances, etc.) and effects. By implementing the measures defined in the risk assessment, you reduce the risk of undesirable events and thus reduce suffering, lost days and thus costs.

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