Training First Aider Level 3 IVR
The First Aider Level 3 IVR is the continuation course of the First Aider Level 2 IVR. It forms the highest level of the IVR training system.
Training first aider level 3 IVR: The most important in a nutshell
- During five days, company paramedics are trained, which can assess and treat patients adeptly.
- Company paramedics are trained to support doctors and the rescue service in their measures and expertly manage the medical equipment or first-aid room available in the company.
For whom is the training suitable?
- Participant group: People who have successfully completed the First Aider Level 2 IVR and are confronted with an increased likelihood of emergencies in their everyday working life.
- Number of participants: Recommendation 6-12 participants per course
- Duration: 5 days (35 hours)
Contents of the first aider level 3 IVR
The content includes knowledge of emergency medicine, such as treatment of shock, cardiovascular arrest, joint injuries, spinal injuries, and the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED).
The goal is for participants to respond properly in an emergency and provide first medical aid until professional help arrives.
Make a non-binding training request for First Responder Level 3 IVR