Training First Aider Level 2 IVR
The First Aider Level 2 IVR is the continuation course of the First Aider Level 1 IVR. The knowledge from the first course is expanded.
Training first aider level 2: The most important in a nutshell
- The first aider level 2 IVR is aimed at people who are confronted with an increased likelihood of emergencies in their daily work.
- The course, which builds on the First Aider Level 1 IVR, deals with acute events that do not immediately threaten life, but cause a lot of suffering and pain.
- The employees are trained to provide adept first aid in everyday accidents and common illnesses.
For whom is the training suitable?
- Participants: People who have successfully completed the First Aider Level 1 IVR
- Number of participants: Recommendation 6-12 participants per course
- Duration: 3 days (21 hours)
Contents training first aider level 2 IVR
- Skin injuries
- Falls in everyday life
- Breathing and circulatory disorders
- Head and brain injuries
- Special emergencies
Make a non-binding training request for Level 2 IVR first responders